sábado, 30 de octubre de 2021

Día Mundial de la Enfermedad Vascular Cerebral: Secuelas e importancia de la rehabilitación


·      El 29 de octubre se conmemoró el Día Mundial del Evento Vascular Cerebral 

·      Cada año, en todo el mundo, casi 15 millones de personas sufren un evento vascular cerebral (EVC) 

·      2 de cada 3 sobrevivientes de EVC tienen algún tipo de espasticidad y rigidez muscular 


Ciudad de México, 30 de octubre de 2021.- El 29 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial del Evento Vascular Cerebral, mejor conocido como “embolia, infarto o derrame cerebral”, con la finalidad de sensibilizar a la sociedad sobre esta enfermedad y sus consecuencias, además de difundir medidas de prevención para reducir el riesgo de sufrir un infarto cerebral. 


Se conoce como evento vascular cerebral a una alteración en las neuronas que provoca disminución del flujo sanguíneo en el cerebro, acompañada de alteraciones cerebrales de manera momentánea o permanente.[1]  


En todo el mundo, cada año casi 15 millones de personas sufren un evento vascular cerebral y un tercio de esos casos -o aproximadamente 6.6 millones- fallecerá.[2] De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el EVC es considerado la segunda causa de muerte en el mundo, siendo los países de ingresos medios y bajos los más afectados.1 Tan sólo en nuestro país, fue la sexta causa de muerte en 2015.[3] 


Con respecto a los síntomas más comunes del evento vascular cerebral, el Dr. Jorge Hernández Franco, jefe del Departamento de Rehabilitación en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, enlistó la pérdida súbita y unilateral de la fuerza de brazos, piernas o cara, confusión, dificultad para hablar o comprender lo que se dice, problemas visuales en uno o ambos ojos y dificultad para caminar.  


Otros síntomas menos frecuentes son mareos, pérdida de equilibrio o coordinación, dolor de cabeza intenso de causa desconocida y debilidad o pérdida de conciencia. 


Tras un EVC, atender en casa a un paciente con secuelas implica cambios en las actividades cotidianas del cuidador primario y la familia, que involucran no sólo la atención física, sino también la emocional, social y espiritual. Entre las secuelas provocadas por dicho estado de salud están las alteraciones motoras y sensitivas, la rigidez muscular que suele ser signo de espasticidad y que lo incapacitan en la realización de sus actividades de la vida diaria, así como propiciar en él un alto grado de dependencia. 


La espasticidad es muy común, ya que 2 de cada 3 sobrevivientes de EVC tienen algún tipo de espasticidad y rigidez muscular, de acuerdo con la Asociación Nacional de Accidentes Cerebrovasculares. “En sí la espasticidad es un trastorno motor asociado a múltiples enfermedades y discapacidades. Su origen se encuentra en una alteración del sistema nervioso central que provoca un aumento del tono muscular dificultando o imposibilitando total o parcialmente el movimiento de los músculos afectados”, explicó el Dr. Jorge Hernández. 

Entre los tratamientos que existen para la espasticidad tras un EVC, destacan los siguientes:[4] 

1. Ejercicio de fisioterapia. 

2. Ejercicio pasivo. 

3. Ejercicio de rango de movimiento. 

4. Estimulación eléctrica. 

5. Toxina botulínica tipo A. 

7. Férulas y ortesis. 

La vida después del evento vascular cerebral sufre de una falta de priorización. Las organizaciones de pacientes y las sociedades médicas cuentan con recursos limitados para su atención, como lo es la rehabilitación o el tratamiento de afecciones como la espasticidad. 


Con esto en mente, el Dr. Jorge Hernández advirtió sobre la importancia de mejorar la educación sobre la enfermedad, las opciones de tratamiento, acelerar las derivaciones después de un accidente cerebrovascular, y alentar al uso de registros y programas de intervención.  


#MegaOperativo #DíaDeMuertos2021 en Chimalhuacán


  • Serán 300 efectivos los que fortalecerán la vigilancia en puntos estratégicos
  • La Policía Municipal exhorta a continuar con las medidas sanitarias, uso de cubrebocas, gel antibacterial y lavado constante de manos

La Dirección de Seguridad Ciudadana y Tránsito de Chimalhuacán activó el “Mega Operativo Día de Muertos 2021”, intensificará la vigilancia en camposantos, iglesias, plazas públicas, calles y avenidas del municipio con motivo de las tradicionales festividades del 30 de octubre al 2 de noviembre.

El comisario local, Cristóbal Hernández Salas, explicó que más de 300 elementos de las seis regiones, Tránsito, Rescate, Protección Civil y Bomberos, Grupo Táctico de Intervención (GTI) y Agrupamiento de Motociclistas Relámpagos participarán en el operativo.

Anunció que reforzarán la vigilancia con patrullaje preventivo  y dispositivos pie tierra en los camposantos Santo Entierro de Cabecera Municipal; Los Rosales en San Agustín;  San Miguel Arcángel en el Fraccionamiento Los Olivos; Cristo Rey en Xochitenco; Todos los Santos de Xochiaca y Chimalco en San Lorenzo.

Seguridad Ciudadana exhorta a la población a continuar con las medidas de sana distancia durante su visita a los panteones: uso de cubrebocas, lavado de manos, aplicación de gel antibacterial y sana distancia.

Por segundo año consecutivo, en atención a las recomendaciones sanitarias por la pandemia se suspenderá la tradicional entrega de calaverita en la cual los uniformados donaban dulces a niños de la localidad.

La policía municipal ofrece a la ciudadanía el número de emergencias 55-58-53-61-28, así como la App Seguridad Chimalhuacán, a fin de reportar cualquier delito o actividad sospechosa, las 24 horas del día.

Realizamos jornada de esterilización canina y felina en el barrio Vidrieros



El gobierno de Chimalhuacán, en coordinación con el Instituto de Salud del Estado de México (ISEM), realizó una mega jornada gratuita de esterilización para caninos y felinos en el Auditorio Guelaguetza, ubicado en el barrio Vidrieros, donde fueron atendidas 380 mascotas.


“En el marco del Mes de la Esterilización, se llevó a cabo esta jornada con el propósito de evitar la sobrepoblación canina y felina, así como la proliferación de animales en situación de calle. De esta manera, fomentamos en la población la tenencia responsable de las mascotas”, señaló el alcalde, Jesús Tolentino Román Bojórquez.


Por su parte, la titular del Departamento de Control de Zoonosis y Bienestar Animal municipal, Monserrat Velázquez Alfaro, informó que 90 médicos veterinarios participaron en los procedimientos quirúrgicos, en una jornada celebrada bajo los protocolos sanitarios y de sana distancia.


“Durante el presente año hemos realizado 8,000 esterilizaciones a caninos y felinos. Asimismo, hacemos un llamado a los chimalhuacanos a mantener a sus mascotas esterilizadas para evitar nacimientos múltiples, ya que gran parte de ellos terminan abandonados en la vía pública”.


La funcionaria agregó que, respecto a este y otros servicios que brinda el departamento a su cargo, la ciudadanía puede comunicarse al número telefónico 55-2635-7984 o acudir a las instalaciones ubicadas en calle Lázaro Cárdenas, sin número, colonia Acuitlapilco, en un horario de atención de 09:00 a 14:00 horas.


Finalmente, personal de la Jurisdicción Sanitaria Texcoco del ISEM, detalló que Chimalhuacán es el municipio mexiquense con la mayor participación de la ciudadanía, desde la implementación de estas jornadas de salud animal, en el año 2007: “Esto habla de una responsabilidad de la población, que contribuyen a un ambiente saludable para las mascotas y sus dueños”.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021



  • Black Badge Ghost debuts dark side of Post Opulent design
  • 6.75-litre V12 engine now delivers increased power (600PS) and torque (900NM)
  • Drivetrain and chassis re-engineered for more urgent performance
  • Curated collection debuts striking Turchese Leather and Technical Carbon veneer
  • Bespoke alloy wheel introduced in Black Badge house style with carbon fibre barrel
  • Infinity lemniscate symbol continues to codify noir expression of Rolls-Royce

“After considerable internal debate, Rolls-Royce announced that it would create an officially sanctioned response to a new kind of client: a permanent Bespoke treatment to its motor cars named Black Badge. These products, which were launched in 2016, would be darker in aesthetic, more urgent in personality and dramatic in material treatment.

“In the five years since Black Badge became publicly available, this bold family of motor cars has come to symbolise the pinnacle of a new type of super-luxury product, setting in motion a shift across the wider luxury industry. Subsequently, nearly all luxury makers create products that seek to capture the Black Badge spirit.

“Today, we announce a product that represents a new kind of Black Badge motor car, one that seizes on the minimalist, Post Opulent design treatment that has recast the legend of Ghost but amplifies and subverts it with the application of black. Our most advanced motor car yet has been reengineered to characterise the alter ego of Rolls-Royce: assertive, dynamic and potent. This is the purest Black Badge motor car in the marque’s history. This is Black Badge Ghost.”
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has a unique fluency in its clients. Its close relationship with the women and men who patronise the marque affords the company’s decision-makers an unparalleled understanding of the super-luxury consumer: their aesthetic preferences, uncompromising lifestyle requirements and changing taste patterns. Only with this understanding, and briefings supplied by the brand's Luxury Intelligence Unit, is the marque able to create an accurate product response. Black Badge is a vivid example of this.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has always attracted subversive clients – rebellious women and men who built their success by breaking rules, taking risks and challenging conventions. In the 2020s, these women and men engage with luxury products on their own terms. They reject suits for streetwear, use blockchain not banks and influence the analogue world through their digital endeavours. In doing so, they have created new codes of luxury that resonate with their sensibilities: darker in aesthetic, assertive in character and bold in design.

Their approach to Rolls-Royce products is no different. The marque has responded accordingly, developing new colour palettes, more technical surface treatments and even more powerful driving experiences without ever compromising the effortless sensibilities that have drawn this bold group of clients to the Rolls-Royce brand.

Black Badge, the highly successful alter ego of Rolls-Royce, now represents more than 27% of commissions worldwide and is codified by the mathematical symbol that represents a potential infinity, which is found within the motor car’s interior. This graphic, also known as the Lemniscate, was applied to Sir Malcolm Campbell’s record-breaking Rolls-Royce-powered Blue Bird K3 hydroplane and the marque's designers nominated this hallmark for Black Badge motor cars to reflect their own unrelenting pursuit of power.

Rolls-Royce debuted Black Badge with Wraith and Ghost in 2016, followed by Dawn in 2017 then Cullinan in 2019. Today, a new, Post Opulent expression of Black Badge joins the family. The purest and most technologically advanced Black Badge motor car yet, Black Badge Ghost.


Conceived in response to a group of clients who requested a Rolls-Royce that was agile, discreet, highly connected and free of any superfluous design, the new Ghost is not just the most technologically advanced Rolls-Royce yet, but also the most aesthetically pure. In the twelve months since this motor car has been available, it has become one of the fastest-selling products in the marque’s history, representing more than 3,500 commissions worldwide.

This motor car also started a new design conversation in its relentless pursuit of minimalism and purity. Named ‘Post Opulence’ by Rolls-Royce designers, this aesthetic movement is characterised by reduction and substance. In service to this, exceptional materials are selected and celebrated while overt design is limited, intelligent and unobtrusive.

However, within this group of clients – who celebrate minimalism and material substance – a rebellious subset sought to create a disruptive expression of Ghost by permanently cloaking it in a shade so pure that its very classification as a colour remains a subject of debate: black. Black Badge Ghost reflects these clients’ desires. It is the dark side of Post Opulence: minimalism in extremis.


Clients are free to select any of the marque’s 44,000 ‘ready-to-wear’ colours or create their own entirely unique Bespoke hue. However, the overwhelming majority of women and men who requested this darker expression of Ghost have selected the signature Black. To create what is the motor car industry’s darkest black, 100lbs (45kg) of paint is atomised and applied to an electrostatically charged body in white before being oven dried. The motor car then receives two layers of clear coat before being hand-polished by a team of four craftsman to produce the marque’s signature high-gloss piano finish.

At between three and five hours in duration, this operation is entirely unknown in mass production, creating an intensity simply unattainable elsewhere in the automotive industry. It is this depth of darkness that serves as the perfect canvas for clients to add a high-contrast, hand-painted Coachline, which has done much to create the Black Badge ‘black and neon’ aesthetic that has come to characterise this vivid family of Rolls-Royce motor cars.

To match this dramatic coachwork, the marque’s Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers and craftspeople collaborated to create an entirely customisable process that allows Rolls-Royce hallmarks such as the high-polished Spirit of Ecstasy and Pantheon Grille to be subverted. Instead of simply painting these components, a specific chrome electrolyte is introduced to the traditional chrome plating process that is co-deposited on the stainless-steel substrate, darkening the finish. Its final thickness is just one micrometre – around one hundredth of the width of a human hair. Each of these components is precision-polished by hand to achieve a mirror-black chrome finish before it is fitted to the motor car.

The exterior treatment resolves with a Bespoke 21-inch composite wheelset. Designed in the Black Badge house style and reserved for Black Badge Ghost, the barrel of each wheel is made up of 22 layers of carbon fibre laid on three axes, then folded back on themselves at the outer edges of the rim, forming a total of 44 layers of carbon fibre for greater strength. A 3D-forged aluminium hub is bonded to the rim using aerospace-grade titanium fasteners and finished with the marque’s hallmark Floating Hubcap, ensuring the Double R monogram remains upright at all times. To celebrate the material substance and remarkable surface effect, a lightly tinted lacquer is applied to protect the finish but still allow clients to observe the technical complexity of the wheels unique carbon fibre construction.


Advanced luxury materials have been meticulously created and crafted for a unique ambience in the interior suite. While recalling the dramatic mechanical intent of Black Badge Ghost, the materials are true to Ghost’s Post Opulent design philosophy – one defined by authenticity and material substance rather than overt statement. In this spirit, a complex but subtle weave that incorporates a deep diamond pattern rendered in carbon and metallic fibres has been created by the marque’s craftspeople.

Multiple wood layers are pressed onto the interior component substrates, using black Bolivar veneer for the uppermost base layer. This forms a dark foundation for the Technical Fibre layers that follow. Leaves woven from resin-coated carbon and contrasting metal-coated thread laid in a diamond pattern are applied by hand to the components in perfect alignment, creating a three-dimensional effect. To secure this extraordinary veneer, each component is cured for one hour under pressure at 100°C. This is then sand-blasted to create a keyed surface for six layers of lacquer, which is hand-sanded and polished before being incorporated into the motor car.

If specified in the client’s commission, the Technical Fibre ‘Waterfall’ section of the individual rear seats receives the Black Badge family motif: the mathematical symbol that represents potential infinity known as a Lemniscate. Rendered in aerospace-grade aluminium on the lid of Black Badge Ghost’s Champagne cooler, it is applied between the third and fourth layer of a total of six layers of subtly tinted lacquer, creating the illusion that the symbol is floating above the Technical Fibre veneer.

Aesthetes from the marque’s design team elected to further enhance the noir ambience of Black Badge Ghost by subduing the brightwork. Air vent surrounds on the dashboard and in the rear cabin are darkened using physical vapour deposition, one of the few methods of colouring metal that ensures parts will not discolour or tarnish over time or through repeated use. The Post Opulent principles of simplicity have also been applied to dramatic effect in the Black Badge Ghost timepiece design: only the tips of the hands and the twelve, three, six and nine o'clock markers are picked out, in a subdued chrome finish, creating a remarkably minimal clock. Additional timepieces are available within Black Badge Ghost to suit the client’s aesthetic preference.

The timepiece is flanked by a world-first Bespoke innovation that debuted with Ghost: the Illuminated Fascia, which displays an ethereal glowing Lemniscate, surrounded by more than 850 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the constellation and motif are completely invisible when the interior lights are not in operation. As in Ghost, the Lemniscate motif is illuminated via 152 LEDs mounted above and beneath the fascia, each meticulously colour-matched to the cabin’s clock and instrument dial lighting. To ensure the Lemniscate is lit evenly, a 2mm-thick light guide is used, featuring more than 90,000 laser-etched dots across the surface. This not only disperses the light evenly but creates a twinkling effect as the eye moves across the fascia, echoing the subtle sparkle of the Shooting Star Starlight Headliner.


Black Badge is not just an aesthetic – it is an experience. The clients who requested this motor car demanded that the Bespoke treatment of Black Badge Ghost extend from the design atelier into the marque’s engineering department. In doing so, the Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers and craftspeople collaborated to create a vivid driving personality that matched Black Badge Ghost’s visual intent without compromising the marque’s effortless ride proclivities and exhaustive acoustic tuning.

Key to its potent character is the Architecture of Luxury, Rolls-Royce’s proprietary all-aluminium spaceframe architecture that debuted with Phantom. This sub-structure not only delivers extraordinary body stiffness, but its flexibility and scalability allowed Ghost to be equipped with all-wheel drive, four-wheel steering and the award-winning Planar Suspension system. For Black Badge, these peerless engineering qualities have been comprehensively re-engineered, including the fitting of more voluminous air springs to alleviate body roll under more assertive cornering.

The capacity of the Rolls-Royce twin-turbocharged 6.75-litre V12 engine was deemed sufficient. However, the flexibility of this celebrated power plant has been exploited to generate an extra 29PS, creating a total output of 600PS. The sense of a single infinite gear has also been dramatised with the addition of a further 50NM of torque, for a total of 900NM. The powertrain has also received Bespoke transmission and throttle treatments to further enhance the engine’s increased power reserves. The ZF eight-speed gear box and both front- and rear-steered axles work collaboratively to adjust the levels of feedback to the driver, depending on throttle and steering inputs.

As with all products in the marque’s Black Badge portfolio, the ‘Low’ button situated on the gear selection stalk unlocks Black Badge Ghost’s full suite of technologies. This is asserted by the amplification of the motor car's engine through an entirely new exhaust system, subtly announcing its potency. All 900NM of torque is available from just 1700rpm and, once underway in Low Mode, gearshift speeds are increased by 50% when the throttle is depressed to 90%, delivering Black Badge Ghost’s abundant power reserves with dramatic immediacy.

To bolster confidence when exploiting Black Badge Ghost, the braking bite point has been raised and pedal travel decreased. Non-Black Badge Ghost is provisioned with a robust braking hardware package that was deemed more than ample under extreme conditions, even accounting for the Black Badge alter ego’s increased power output. However, a new suite of bold high-temperature brake calliper paint colours has been developed in preparation for forthcoming Black Badge Ghost commissions.

Black Badge Ghost is available to commission now.

Rolls-Royce announces a product that represents a new kind of Black Badge motor car. Their most advanced motor car yet has been reengineered to characterise the alter ego of Rolls-Royce: assertive, dynamic and potent. This is the purest Black Badge motor car in the marque’s history. This is Black Badge Ghost.



  • Black Badge Ghost debuts dark side of Post Opulent design
  • 6.75-litre V12 engine now delivers increased power (600PS) and torque (900NM)
  • Drivetrain and chassis re-engineered for more urgent performance
  • Curated collection debuts striking Turchese Leather and Technical Carbon veneer
  • Bespoke alloy wheel introduced in Black Badge house style with carbon fibre barrel
  • Infinity lemniscate symbol continues to codify noir expression of Rolls-Royce

“After considerable internal debate, Rolls-Royce announced that it would create an officially sanctioned response to a new kind of client: a permanent Bespoke treatment to its motor cars named Black Badge. These products, which were launched in 2016, would be darker in aesthetic, more urgent in personality and dramatic in material treatment.

“In the five years since Black Badge became publicly available, this bold family of motor cars has come to symbolise the pinnacle of a new type of super-luxury product, setting in motion a shift across the wider luxury industry. Subsequently, nearly all luxury makers create products that seek to capture the Black Badge spirit.

“Today, we announce a product that represents a new kind of Black Badge motor car, one that seizes on the minimalist, Post Opulent design treatment that has recast the legend of Ghost but amplifies and subverts it with the application of black. Our most advanced motor car yet has been reengineered to characterise the alter ego of Rolls-Royce: assertive, dynamic and potent. This is the purest Black Badge motor car in the marque’s history. This is Black Badge Ghost.”
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has a unique fluency in its clients. Its close relationship with the women and men who patronise the marque affords the company’s decision-makers an unparalleled understanding of the super-luxury consumer: their aesthetic preferences, uncompromising lifestyle requirements and changing taste patterns. Only with this understanding, and briefings supplied by the brand's Luxury Intelligence Unit, is the marque able to create an accurate product response. Black Badge is a vivid example of this.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has always attracted subversive clients – rebellious women and men who built their success by breaking rules, taking risks and challenging conventions. In the 2020s, these women and men engage with luxury products on their own terms. They reject suits for streetwear, use blockchain not banks and influence the analogue world through their digital endeavours. In doing so, they have created new codes of luxury that resonate with their sensibilities: darker in aesthetic, assertive in character and bold in design.

Their approach to Rolls-Royce products is no different. The marque has responded accordingly, developing new colour palettes, more technical surface treatments and even more powerful driving experiences without ever compromising the effortless sensibilities that have drawn this bold group of clients to the Rolls-Royce brand.

Black Badge, the highly successful alter ego of Rolls-Royce, now represents more than 27% of commissions worldwide and is codified by the mathematical symbol that represents a potential infinity, which is found within the motor car’s interior. This graphic, also known as the Lemniscate, was applied to Sir Malcolm Campbell’s record-breaking Rolls-Royce-powered Blue Bird K3 hydroplane and the marque's designers nominated this hallmark for Black Badge motor cars to reflect their own unrelenting pursuit of power.

Rolls-Royce debuted Black Badge with Wraith and Ghost in 2016, followed by Dawn in 2017 then Cullinan in 2019. Today, a new, Post Opulent expression of Black Badge joins the family. The purest and most technologically advanced Black Badge motor car yet, Black Badge Ghost.


Conceived in response to a group of clients who requested a Rolls-Royce that was agile, discreet, highly connected and free of any superfluous design, the new Ghost is not just the most technologically advanced Rolls-Royce yet, but also the most aesthetically pure. In the twelve months since this motor car has been available, it has become one of the fastest-selling products in the marque’s history, representing more than 3,500 commissions worldwide.

This motor car also started a new design conversation in its relentless pursuit of minimalism and purity. Named ‘Post Opulence’ by Rolls-Royce designers, this aesthetic movement is characterised by reduction and substance. In service to this, exceptional materials are selected and celebrated while overt design is limited, intelligent and unobtrusive.

However, within this group of clients – who celebrate minimalism and material substance – a rebellious subset sought to create a disruptive expression of Ghost by permanently cloaking it in a shade so pure that its very classification as a colour remains a subject of debate: black. Black Badge Ghost reflects these clients’ desires. It is the dark side of Post Opulence: minimalism in extremis.


Clients are free to select any of the marque’s 44,000 ‘ready-to-wear’ colours or create their own entirely unique Bespoke hue. However, the overwhelming majority of women and men who requested this darker expression of Ghost have selected the signature Black. To create what is the motor car industry’s darkest black, 100lbs (45kg) of paint is atomised and applied to an electrostatically charged body in white before being oven dried. The motor car then receives two layers of clear coat before being hand-polished by a team of four craftsman to produce the marque’s signature high-gloss piano finish.

At between three and five hours in duration, this operation is entirely unknown in mass production, creating an intensity simply unattainable elsewhere in the automotive industry. It is this depth of darkness that serves as the perfect canvas for clients to add a high-contrast, hand-painted Coachline, which has done much to create the Black Badge ‘black and neon’ aesthetic that has come to characterise this vivid family of Rolls-Royce motor cars.

To match this dramatic coachwork, the marque’s Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers and craftspeople collaborated to create an entirely customisable process that allows Rolls-Royce hallmarks such as the high-polished Spirit of Ecstasy and Pantheon Grille to be subverted. Instead of simply painting these components, a specific chrome electrolyte is introduced to the traditional chrome plating process that is co-deposited on the stainless-steel substrate, darkening the finish. Its final thickness is just one micrometre – around one hundredth of the width of a human hair. Each of these components is precision-polished by hand to achieve a mirror-black chrome finish before it is fitted to the motor car.

The exterior treatment resolves with a Bespoke 21-inch composite wheelset. Designed in the Black Badge house style and reserved for Black Badge Ghost, the barrel of each wheel is made up of 22 layers of carbon fibre laid on three axes, then folded back on themselves at the outer edges of the rim, forming a total of 44 layers of carbon fibre for greater strength. A 3D-forged aluminium hub is bonded to the rim using aerospace-grade titanium fasteners and finished with the marque’s hallmark Floating Hubcap, ensuring the Double R monogram remains upright at all times. To celebrate the material substance and remarkable surface effect, a lightly tinted lacquer is applied to protect the finish but still allow clients to observe the technical complexity of the wheels unique carbon fibre construction.


Advanced luxury materials have been meticulously created and crafted for a unique ambience in the interior suite. While recalling the dramatic mechanical intent of Black Badge Ghost, the materials are true to Ghost’s Post Opulent design philosophy – one defined by authenticity and material substance rather than overt statement. In this spirit, a complex but subtle weave that incorporates a deep diamond pattern rendered in carbon and metallic fibres has been created by the marque’s craftspeople.

Multiple wood layers are pressed onto the interior component substrates, using black Bolivar veneer for the uppermost base layer. This forms a dark foundation for the Technical Fibre layers that follow. Leaves woven from resin-coated carbon and contrasting metal-coated thread laid in a diamond pattern are applied by hand to the components in perfect alignment, creating a three-dimensional effect. To secure this extraordinary veneer, each component is cured for one hour under pressure at 100°C. This is then sand-blasted to create a keyed surface for six layers of lacquer, which is hand-sanded and polished before being incorporated into the motor car.

If specified in the client’s commission, the Technical Fibre ‘Waterfall’ section of the individual rear seats receives the Black Badge family motif: the mathematical symbol that represents potential infinity known as a Lemniscate. Rendered in aerospace-grade aluminium on the lid of Black Badge Ghost’s Champagne cooler, it is applied between the third and fourth layer of a total of six layers of subtly tinted lacquer, creating the illusion that the symbol is floating above the Technical Fibre veneer.

Aesthetes from the marque’s design team elected to further enhance the noir ambience of Black Badge Ghost by subduing the brightwork. Air vent surrounds on the dashboard and in the rear cabin are darkened using physical vapour deposition, one of the few methods of colouring metal that ensures parts will not discolour or tarnish over time or through repeated use. The Post Opulent principles of simplicity have also been applied to dramatic effect in the Black Badge Ghost timepiece design: only the tips of the hands and the twelve, three, six and nine o'clock markers are picked out, in a subdued chrome finish, creating a remarkably minimal clock. Additional timepieces are available within Black Badge Ghost to suit the client’s aesthetic preference.

The timepiece is flanked by a world-first Bespoke innovation that debuted with Ghost: the Illuminated Fascia, which displays an ethereal glowing Lemniscate, surrounded by more than 850 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the constellation and motif are completely invisible when the interior lights are not in operation. As in Ghost, the Lemniscate motif is illuminated via 152 LEDs mounted above and beneath the fascia, each meticulously colour-matched to the cabin’s clock and instrument dial lighting. To ensure the Lemniscate is lit evenly, a 2mm-thick light guide is used, featuring more than 90,000 laser-etched dots across the surface. This not only disperses the light evenly but creates a twinkling effect as the eye moves across the fascia, echoing the subtle sparkle of the Shooting Star Starlight Headliner.


Black Badge is not just an aesthetic – it is an experience. The clients who requested this motor car demanded that the Bespoke treatment of Black Badge Ghost extend from the design atelier into the marque’s engineering department. In doing so, the Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers and craftspeople collaborated to create a vivid driving personality that matched Black Badge Ghost’s visual intent without compromising the marque’s effortless ride proclivities and exhaustive acoustic tuning.

Key to its potent character is the Architecture of Luxury, Rolls-Royce’s proprietary all-aluminium spaceframe architecture that debuted with Phantom. This sub-structure not only delivers extraordinary body stiffness, but its flexibility and scalability allowed Ghost to be equipped with all-wheel drive, four-wheel steering and the award-winning Planar Suspension system. For Black Badge, these peerless engineering qualities have been comprehensively re-engineered, including the fitting of more voluminous air springs to alleviate body roll under more assertive cornering.

The capacity of the Rolls-Royce twin-turbocharged 6.75-litre V12 engine was deemed sufficient. However, the flexibility of this celebrated power plant has been exploited to generate an extra 29PS, creating a total output of 600PS. The sense of a single infinite gear has also been dramatised with the addition of a further 50NM of torque, for a total of 900NM. The powertrain has also received Bespoke transmission and throttle treatments to further enhance the engine’s increased power reserves. The ZF eight-speed gear box and both front- and rear-steered axles work collaboratively to adjust the levels of feedback to the driver, depending on throttle and steering inputs.

As with all products in the marque’s Black Badge portfolio, the ‘Low’ button situated on the gear selection stalk unlocks Black Badge Ghost’s full suite of technologies. This is asserted by the amplification of the motor car's engine through an entirely new exhaust system, subtly announcing its potency. All 900NM of torque is available from just 1700rpm and, once underway in Low Mode, gearshift speeds are increased by 50% when the throttle is depressed to 90%, delivering Black Badge Ghost’s abundant power reserves with dramatic immediacy.

To bolster confidence when exploiting Black Badge Ghost, the braking bite point has been raised and pedal travel decreased. Non-Black Badge Ghost is provisioned with a robust braking hardware package that was deemed more than ample under extreme conditions, even accounting for the Black Badge alter ego’s increased power output. However, a new suite of bold high-temperature brake calliper paint colours has been developed in preparation for forthcoming Black Badge Ghost commissions.

Black Badge Ghost is available to commission now.

Cómo Asegurar que tuS ProveedorES EmitiráN y EnviaráN CORRECTAMENTE tuS FacturaS


por Rafael Soto, CEO de Box Factura


Por diferentes motivos, algunos proveedores de productos y servicios no envían correctamente sus comprobantes fiscales. En algunos casos, esto puede ser atribuido a la mala fe pero es justo reconocer que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de equivocaciones u omisiones, ejemplos hay muchos: se traspapelaron los documentos, se escribió mal el correo electrónico, no se desglosaron adecuadamente los conceptos, etc.


De acuerdo con una encuesta realizada por Box Factura entre más de 1000 PyMEs y emprendedores, los errores más comunes que los proveedores comenten son:


·            No revisar bien antes de enviar: Los expertos dicen que hay que revisar 3 veces las facturas antes de mandarlas para atajar posibles faltas de ortografía, verificar que la moneda para el pago sea la correcta y cerciorarse de que no hay omisiones de información. (Afortunadamente muchos de estos problemas son cosa del pasado gracias a que la tecnología nos ayuda a evitarlos automáticamente).

·            Errores al capturar la clave de producto o servicio: Esta falla es muy común, gracias a que existen más de 52 mil claves de productos o servicios en los catálogos oficiales del SAT, cada proveedor debe señalar la clave que corresponda al producto o servicios que está ofreciendo.

·            No especificar la forma de pago: En los casos en que se emite un CFDI, no se recibe el pago de inmediato y no se conoce la forma de pago, es necesario especificar “pago por definir”. Cuando sí se conoce, es necesario consignar si será “en efectivo”, por “tarjeta de crédito” o “tarjeta de débito”, “transferencia electrónica” o cualquier otra forma.

·            Omitir el método de pago: Al emitir un CFDI, es un requisito indispensable indicar cómo se efectuó el pago, hay dos opciones: pagar en una sola exhibición (PUE), al momento de emitir la factura, o Pago en Parcialidades o Diferido (PPD), en caso de que el pago de la contraprestación no se realice al momento de la emisión de la factura.

·            Errores al especificar el uso del CFDI: Otro error típico es dejar como “por definir” el campo correspondiente al uso del comprobante fiscal. Siempre se puede recurrir a la categoría “gastos en general” a menos que se trate de otra finalidad como como “gastos médicos por incapacidad o discapacidad”, “honorarios médicos”, etc.


Para evitar consecuencias y sanciones por parte del SAT, tanto para ti como para tus proveedores  lo más conveniente es contar con una plataforma tecnológica especializada que ayude a minimizar las omisiones y los errores en la expedición de comprobantes fiscales.


Por ello, Box Factura comparte contigo las siguientes recomendaciones:


·          Siempre carga tu cédula fiscal: Es básico tener los datos impresos y traerlos en la cartera o la bolsa. No te olvides de incluir tu correo electrónico.

·          Pregunta si la facturación es por internet: Muchas empresas importantes ofrecen la opción de facturar a través de su portal. Este método usualmente es menos propenso a errores y más práctico. Sólo asegúrate de revisar en cuánto tiempo estará tu ticket disponible para facturar, cuántos días tienes para emitir la factura y si el ticket expira a final de mes.

·          Conserva tu ticket: El punto más importante; conserva el comprobante de compra, asegúrate que tenga los datos de contacto, el nombre del negocio, el monto, el número de operación. Así será más sencillo cualquier aclaración.

·          Solicita la factura impresa: Aún mejor, para asegurar la emisión y envío de tu factura, solicítala impresa. Dependiendo de si tienes suficiente tiempo y cuántos minutos tarden en entregarla, esta opción puede ser menos viable.

·          Utilizar una plataforma dedicada a la recepción de facturas: A veces el CFDI o el XML es una caja negra que no todas las empresas pueden entender al 100%, suele ser un tema complicado para muchos empresarios, pero con ayuda de la tecnología o una plataforma como Box Factura, no tiene porqué ser un dolor de cabeza tener las facturas en orden y eliminar el estrés adicional que se origina al lidiar con los detalles de la contabilidad.


La tecnología ya existe, aprovéchala a tu favor: de esta manera podrás enfocarte en lo verdaderamente importante: hacer crecer tu negocio.

Día Mundial de la Enfermedad Vascular Cerebral: Secuelas e importancia de la rehabilitación

·      El 29 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial del Evento Vascular Cerebral 

·      Cada año, en todo el mundo, casi 15 millones de personas sufren un evento vascular cerebral (EVC) 

·      2 de cada 3 sobrevivientes de EVC tienen algún tipo de espasticidad y rigidez muscular 


Ciudad de México, octubre de 2021.- El 29 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial del Evento Vascular Cerebral, mejor conocido como “embolia, infarto o derrame cerebral”, con la finalidad de sensibilizar a la sociedad sobre esta enfermedad y sus consecuencias, además de difundir medidas de prevención para reducir el riesgo de sufrir un infarto cerebral. 


Se conoce como evento vascular cerebral a una alteración en las neuronas que provoca disminución del flujo sanguíneo en el cerebro, acompañada de alteraciones cerebrales de manera momentánea o permanente.[1]  


En todo el mundo, cada año casi 15 millones de personas sufren un evento vascular cerebral y un tercio de esos casos -o aproximadamente 6.6 millones- fallecerá.[2] De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el EVC es considerado la segunda causa de muerte en el mundo, siendo los países de ingresos medios y bajos los más afectados.1 Tan sólo en nuestro país, fue la sexta causa de muerte en 2015.[3] 


Con respecto a los síntomas más comunes del evento vascular cerebral, el Dr. Jorge Hernández Franco, jefe del Departamento de Rehabilitación en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, enlistó la pérdida súbita y unilateral de la fuerza de brazos, piernas o cara, confusión, dificultad para hablar o comprender lo que se dice, problemas visuales en uno o ambos ojos y dificultad para caminar.  


Otros síntomas menos frecuentes son mareos, pérdida de equilibrio o coordinación, dolor de cabeza intenso de causa desconocida y debilidad o pérdida de conciencia. 


Tras un EVC, atender en casa a un paciente con secuelas implica cambios en las actividades cotidianas del cuidador primario y la familia, que involucran no sólo la atención física, sino también la emocional, social y espiritual. Entre las secuelas provocadas por dicho estado de salud están las alteraciones motoras y sensitivas, la rigidez muscular que suele ser signo de espasticidad y que lo incapacitan en la realización de sus actividades de la vida diaria, así como propiciar en él un alto grado de dependencia. 


La espasticidad es muy común, ya que 2 de cada 3 sobrevivientes de EVC tienen algún tipo de espasticidad y rigidez muscular, de acuerdo con la Asociación Nacional de Accidentes Cerebrovasculares. “En sí la espasticidad es un trastorno motor asociado a múltiples enfermedades y discapacidades. Su origen se encuentra en una alteración del sistema nervioso central que provoca un aumento del tono muscular dificultando o imposibilitando total o parcialmente el movimiento de los músculos afectados”, explicó el Dr. Jorge Hernández. 

Entre los tratamientos que existen para la espasticidad tras un EVC, destacan los siguientes:[4] 

1. Ejercicio de fisioterapia. 

2. Ejercicio pasivo. 

3. Ejercicio de rango de movimiento. 

4. Estimulación eléctrica. 

5. Toxina botulínica tipo A. 

7. Férulas y ortesis. 

La vida después del evento vascular cerebral sufre de una falta de priorización. Las organizaciones de pacientes y las sociedades médicas cuentan con recursos limitados para su atención, como lo es la rehabilitación o el tratamiento de afecciones como la espasticidad. 


Con esto en mente, el Dr. Jorge Hernández advirtió sobre la importancia de mejorar la educación sobre la enfermedad, las opciones de tratamiento, acelerar las derivaciones después de un accidente cerebrovascular, y alentar al uso de registros y programas de intervención.